Comments on: Philanthropy 101: Learning to Give choosing positivity Fri, 20 May 2011 19:53:09 -0500 hourly 1 By: Belinda Munoz Belinda Munoz Thu, 24 Sep 2009 16:49:28 +0000 @Liberty, I happen to think so, too! So much can go right with a little bit of generosity... @Susie, I'm inspired daily by people like you! @Nanay, I agree, and when we master charity at home, why not expand our horizon and look at giving outside our home? Thanks, everyone! @Liberty,
I happen to think so, too! So much can go right with a little bit of generosity…

I’m inspired daily by people like you!

I agree, and when we master charity at home, why not expand our horizon and look at giving outside our home?

Thanks, everyone!

By: Nanay Nanay Wed, 23 Sep 2009 19:03:39 +0000 I always believe that CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME. Other than that your heart beats faster when you come across something you feel truly needs some kind of help. I always believe that CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME. Other than that your heart beats faster when you come across something you feel truly needs some kind of help.

By: susie tompkins buell susie tompkins buell Wed, 23 Sep 2009 18:50:20 +0000 belinda, thanks for such a burst of light onto a shadow. it is so uplifting to feel your trust and hope and to inspire others to join your energy. "it is not joy that gives you gratitude, but gratitude that gives you joy." belinda, thanks for such a burst of light onto a shadow. it is so uplifting to feel your trust and hope and to inspire others to join your energy.

“it is not joy that gives you gratitude, but gratitude that gives you joy.”

By: Ma. Liberty S. Viray Ma. Liberty S. Viray Wed, 23 Sep 2009 05:29:50 +0000 This is my favorite blog. This is a prerequisite learning for all of us (students of life) who aspires for a fulfilling life. Thanks! Please keep writing... This is my favorite blog. This is a prerequisite learning for all of us (students of life) who aspires for a fulfilling life. Thanks! Please keep writing…

By: Belinda Munoz Belinda Munoz Sat, 19 Sep 2009 04:23:15 +0000 Thanks, Darian! That quote really resonates with me. Life is not just about what we get, possessions we acquire, prestige that we gain, or titles that we earn. Living a fulfilling life has so much to do with what we give, what contributions we make, how we, in our unique individual way, make the world a better place. Thanks, Darian! That quote really resonates with me. Life is not just about what we get, possessions we acquire, prestige that we gain, or titles that we earn. Living a fulfilling life has so much to do with what we give, what contributions we make, how we, in our unique individual way, make the world a better place.

By: Darian Swig Darian Swig Fri, 18 Sep 2009 23:09:59 +0000 This is terrific! "Choosing positivity" is a motto we all should live by. Reminds me of great Churchill quote: "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." Well done. This is terrific! “Choosing positivity” is a motto we all should live by. Reminds me of great Churchill quote: “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” Well done.

By: Belinda Munoz Belinda Munoz Fri, 18 Sep 2009 03:38:40 +0000 Thank you, Amy! Inspirational people like you remind me that, despite all the bad that we see, there is a world full of good out there and that we must encourage each other to sustain it. xob Thank you, Amy! Inspirational people like you remind me that, despite all the bad that we see, there is a world full of good out there and that we must encourage each other to sustain it. xob

By: Amy Rao Amy Rao Fri, 18 Sep 2009 01:13:23 +0000 This is a blog I will share with everyone I know. I especially love "Philanthropy 101." You remind us all of perspective and what humankindness really means. I absolutely love this! thank you for sharing-XO This is a blog I will share with everyone I know. I especially love “Philanthropy 101.” You remind us all of perspective and what humankindness really means. I absolutely love this! thank you for sharing-XO

By: belinda munoz belinda munoz Sat, 12 Sep 2009 06:30:58 +0000 Thanks for the encouragement and for stopping by. Thanks for the encouragement and for stopping by.

By: Lisa Alves Lisa Alves Sat, 12 Sep 2009 03:51:08 +0000 So glad I stumbled upon this, thank you, I'll be reading!! So glad I stumbled upon this, thank you, I’ll be reading!!
