Comments on: Can a Spoonful of Sugar Really Help the Medicine Go Down? choosing positivity Fri, 20 May 2011 19:53:09 -0500 hourly 1 By: schmabes schmabes Thu, 11 Feb 2010 05:32:32 +0000 Hey Belinda, I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your story. I am so happy that the little one is doing better. My heart was leaping as I read this story. I too had a bout with the health care system recently. I was hospitalized with pneumonia but only after two other Doctors sent me home saying that all I had was a chest cold. It brings up a lot of doubt and fear within when something like that happens: should I have known; did I choose the wrong Dr.; am I eating the right or wrong things. The mind always second guesses and looks to place blame. Once I recovered all I wanted to focus on was the joy in my life. The simple pleasures and connecting with friends. But also learning to listen to what I call spirit--that voice that tells you that something isn't right or makes you question someone else's opinion. Again thank you. Derek Hey Belinda,

I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your story. I am so happy that the little one is doing better. My heart was leaping as I read this story. I too had a bout with the health care system recently. I was hospitalized with pneumonia but only after two other Doctors sent me home saying that all I had was a chest cold. It brings up a lot of doubt and fear within when something like that happens: should I have known; did I choose the wrong Dr.; am I eating the right or wrong things. The mind always second guesses and looks to place blame.

Once I recovered all I wanted to focus on was the joy in my life. The simple pleasures and connecting with friends. But also learning to listen to what I call spirit–that voice that tells you that something isn’t right or makes you question someone else’s opinion.

Again thank you.


By: Sara Sara Wed, 10 Feb 2010 21:23:06 +0000 Belinda -- I'm pleased that you and your son are recovering:~) I never had something like that happen to one of my children, but I confess I would have been very upset about the misdiagnosis. At least you were smart and when your son did not get better, you took him to a different doctor. Good for you:~) My dad was a doctor and didn't believe in any alternative medicines. I don't feel the same as he did. I will often step outside traditional medicine to treat "what ails me." I try to do this in an educated way and check herbal medicines out as best I can. In my case, I've found that herbal and other non-traditional medical treatments can be very successful and sometimes even better than traditional medicine:~) Belinda — I’m pleased that you and your son are recovering:~) I never had something like that happen to one of my children, but I confess I would have been very upset about the misdiagnosis. At least you were smart and when your son did not get better, you took him to a different doctor. Good for you:~)

My dad was a doctor and didn’t believe in any alternative medicines. I don’t feel the same as he did. I will often step outside traditional medicine to treat “what ails me.” I try to do this in an educated way and check herbal medicines out as best I can. In my case, I’ve found that herbal and other non-traditional medical treatments can be very successful and sometimes even better than traditional medicine:~)

By: Mark Mark Tue, 09 Feb 2010 17:25:10 +0000 You choice the right path to allow this to go without going back to the first doctor. Personally I do not like to go to doctors and I have to be pretty much dying before I will. Many are too quick to diagnose an illness and too quick to dispense medicine for many ailments which will cure themselves with a little bit of care. When is the last time a doctor told someone they were normal and didn't need anything to fix them, find that doctor and you will probably find they are in a court room being sued by a healthy person. This is a crazy time to be a doctor and not a great time to be a patient. You choice the right path to allow this to go without going back to the first doctor. Personally I do not like to go to doctors and I have to be pretty much dying before I will. Many are too quick to diagnose an illness and too quick to dispense medicine for many ailments which will cure themselves with a little bit of care. When is the last time a doctor told someone they were normal and didn’t need anything to fix them, find that doctor and you will probably find they are in a court room being sued by a healthy person. This is a crazy time to be a doctor and not a great time to be a patient.

By: Amit Sodha - The Power Of Choice Amit Sodha - The Power Of Choice Tue, 09 Feb 2010 13:51:15 +0000 Hey Belinda, I'm of the similar mindset to BK when it comes to myself, I don't take pain killers or anti biotics for small things. I only recently had some pain killers as I had a terrible tooth ache but aside from that it's been years. I prefer to let my body heal naturally as much as is possible. When caring for others, especially your children you have to do what is best for them as the parent and so you in essence did do what's best for your little one. In choosing not to let the urgent care doc about it, it's just one of those things, you either do or don't and there's not right or wrong, you just have to go with your flow! Hey Belinda,

I’m of the similar mindset to BK when it comes to myself, I don’t take pain killers or anti biotics for small things. I only recently had some pain killers as I had a terrible tooth ache but aside from that it’s been years. I prefer to let my body heal naturally as much as is possible. When caring for others, especially your children you have to do what is best for them as the parent and so you in essence did do what’s best for your little one. In choosing not to let the urgent care doc about it, it’s just one of those things, you either do or don’t and there’s not right or wrong, you just have to go with your flow!

By: Wilma Ham Wilma Ham Tue, 09 Feb 2010 01:42:47 +0000 Hi Belinda. I love how you make use of choosing. Your choice was not to complain, you followed through with your choice and got on with life. That is great. Too often we choose something halfheartedly and keep going backwards and forwards, without moving on. There is a another great point that I am getting and Patty also mentions it. Take responsibility and be aware of what is going on. All too often we give our own responsibility away to overworked and not well informed professionals. Knowing that doctors, teachers and everybody is NOT beyond mistakes, means we have to be alert and do our part. In that way we will not be victims but partners with people who look after us. Hi Belinda.
I love how you make use of choosing. Your choice was not to complain, you followed through with your choice and got on with life. That is great.
Too often we choose something halfheartedly and keep going backwards and forwards, without moving on.
There is a another great point that I am getting and Patty also mentions it.
Take responsibility and be aware of what is going on. All too often we give our own responsibility away to overworked and not well informed professionals. Knowing that doctors, teachers and everybody is NOT beyond mistakes, means we have to be alert and do our part.
In that way we will not be victims but partners with people who look after us.

By: BK BK Tue, 09 Feb 2010 01:31:58 +0000 I am grateful that I am having good health for more than 15 years now. The most recent medicine which I had were some Anti-biotic and painkiller for my wisdom tooth extraction. I took the Anti-biotic to help me to recover faster but I totally skipped the painkiller. As far as I am concern, I will try not to take in any medication and let my body heals itself. But of course in the process, I need to provide it with proper nutrients and rest. Misdiagnosed? Not yet so far. In a same recent experience of my wisdom tooth extraction, the dentist who was supposed to remove the stitches did not do a good job and left stitches in my mouth. I have to go back not once but twice to remove the stitches. Those stitches won't kill me but I was shocked. I did make an issue about it, not for myself but to get the dentists involved in my case to be more careful in the future and to prevent others from going through similar experience like mine. I am grateful that I am having good health for more than 15 years now. The most recent medicine which I had were some Anti-biotic and painkiller for my wisdom tooth extraction. I took the Anti-biotic to help me to recover faster but I totally skipped the painkiller. As far as I am concern, I will try not to take in any medication and let my body heals itself. But of course in the process, I need to provide it with proper nutrients and rest.

Misdiagnosed? Not yet so far. In a same recent experience of my wisdom tooth extraction, the dentist who was supposed to remove the stitches did not do a good job and left stitches in my mouth. I have to go back not once but twice to remove the stitches. Those stitches won’t kill me but I was shocked. I did make an issue about it, not for myself but to get the dentists involved in my case to be more careful in the future and to prevent others from going through similar experience like mine.

By: Tweets that mention Can a Spoonful of Sugar Really Help the Medicine Go Down? — the halfway point -- Tweets that mention Can a Spoonful of Sugar Really Help the Medicine Go Down? — the halfway point -- Mon, 08 Feb 2010 22:08:49 +0000 [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mission Urgent Care, Belinda Muñoz. Belinda Muñoz said: New post: A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down? [...] [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mission Urgent Care, Belinda Muñoz. Belinda Muñoz said: New post: A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down? [...]

By: Kristen @ Motherese Kristen @ Motherese Mon, 08 Feb 2010 18:29:42 +0000 Hi Belinda, I'm sorry to hear that your son's illness was complicated by a medical misdiagnosis. In general, I do put quite a bit of faith in the medical establishment, but, since being pregnant and breastfeeding and eschewing medication to the extent possible, I have been better about being an advocate for my own health: seeking out simple solutions (gargling, saline nasal spray, etc.) whenever possible and listening to my own body and its reactions to treatment. There is no worse feeling, though, than trying in vain to help your sick child. Your son is lucky to have a mother who was not easily satisfied by an incorrect solution offered by a professional. I think he is also lucky to have a mother who models understanding and forgiveness. Hi Belinda,

I’m sorry to hear that your son’s illness was complicated by a medical misdiagnosis. In general, I do put quite a bit of faith in the medical establishment, but, since being pregnant and breastfeeding and eschewing medication to the extent possible, I have been better about being an advocate for my own health: seeking out simple solutions (gargling, saline nasal spray, etc.) whenever possible and listening to my own body and its reactions to treatment. There is no worse feeling, though, than trying in vain to help your sick child. Your son is lucky to have a mother who was not easily satisfied by an incorrect solution offered by a professional. I think he is also lucky to have a mother who models understanding and forgiveness.

By: Patty - Why Not Start Now? Patty - Why Not Start Now? Mon, 08 Feb 2010 17:53:48 +0000 Hi Belinda - I'm so glad your little guy, and you, are on the mend. I think your post strikes just the right chord; yes, you were frustrated, but no, you're not going to hunt down the doctor who made the mistake. The thing is, we all talk about forgiving ourselves for the mistakes we make; seems like we have to do the same for others too. The doctor is human, like the rest of us. I've been there myself, had a few challenges with doctors and the like. But ultimately, I think we do have to trust, because without that we get bitter and start looking around every corner for people to fail us. That said, I also think we need to be good consumers of healthcare and educate ourselves as best as possible. Thanks for another terrific post! Hi Belinda – I’m so glad your little guy, and you, are on the mend. I think your post strikes just the right chord; yes, you were frustrated, but no, you’re not going to hunt down the doctor who made the mistake. The thing is, we all talk about forgiving ourselves for the mistakes we make; seems like we have to do the same for others too. The doctor is human, like the rest of us. I’ve been there myself, had a few challenges with doctors and the like. But ultimately, I think we do have to trust, because without that we get bitter and start looking around every corner for people to fail us. That said, I also think we need to be good consumers of healthcare and educate ourselves as best as possible. Thanks for another terrific post!

By: Fr. Michael Fr. Michael Mon, 08 Feb 2010 17:00:16 +0000 "So, rather than sucking up the bitterness that no spoonfuls of saccharin can mask, I’d much rather drink in the fun, the joy, the love. Because, as I surmised recently, life is good. And, because if I’m not having any fun, I’m probably missing the honest-to-goodness sweetness of the big picture." That's a great attitude to have, Belinda! It's good for us to hear. I think your sentiments are similar to the video I posted on my blog concerning Macey's story. Please know that I'll pray for your little guy! “So, rather than sucking up the bitterness that no spoonfuls of saccharin can mask, I’d much rather drink in the fun, the joy, the love. Because, as I surmised recently, life is good. And, because if I’m not having any fun, I’m probably missing the honest-to-goodness sweetness of the big picture.” That’s a great attitude to have, Belinda! It’s good for us to hear. I think your sentiments are similar to the video I posted on my blog concerning Macey’s story.
Please know that I’ll pray for your little guy!
