Comments on: The Beauty of Morning choosing positivity Tue, 17 Dec 2013 12:11:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eva @ EvaEvolving Wed, 09 Jun 2010 19:06:10 +0000 I’m not exactly a morning person – I hate waking up before 7:00 – but do truly appreciate the fresh start, the clean slate, the clearer perspective we get with each new day. Winter mornings are hard for me, so dark and cold when I wake up, but summer mornings of late are pure bliss. I get out of bed, pour a cup of coffee, then the dog and I go out into the yard. I sit quietly for awhile, listening to the birds and the neighborhood waking up. Then I wander the yard a bit, taking inventory of the vegetables in the garden, the flowers that are blossoming. And after awhile, I go in and get ready for work. Definitely worth getting up 15 minutes early for.

By: Belinda Munoz Wed, 09 Jun 2010 05:50:13 +0000 Thanks, Lauren, those sounds like wonderful memories.

By: Belinda Munoz Wed, 09 Jun 2010 05:49:30 +0000 Christine, thank you for your sweet words. Really great to read them today.

By: Belinda Munoz Wed, 09 Jun 2010 05:35:07 +0000 Nicki, one of those photos looks a lot like Pacific Hts. here in SF. Reminds me of my last stay in Boston years ago back when Rockport was a client of mine. It’s gorgeous there in the fall.

By: Belinda Munoz Wed, 09 Jun 2010 05:28:49 +0000 Thanks, Kristen. I just ordered Devotion after hearing so much great buzz about it. Can’t wait to read it.

By: Christine LaRocque Tue, 08 Jun 2010 23:47:15 +0000 Belinda, I’m so enchanted with this. With the possibility of it, the honesty of it and the exquisite truth of it. You are so right, there is nothing quite as full of anticipation of a morning, and nothing seems as bad as it did the night before.

Thank you for this, I think I will favourite it and return to it often.

By: Kristen @ Motherese Tue, 08 Jun 2010 20:13:12 +0000 This was really beautiful, Belinda. Thank you.

I used to be a night person. Then I became a morning person. Now I’m just a quiet person, really cherishing whatever moment or two of silence I can find to be alone with my thoughts and the day.

Have you read Dani Shapiro’s Devotion? In it, she cites a Buddhist woman who, despite raising several children and living a busy life, has a remarkable ability to appreciate the little moments in the everyday. A teacher asks her how she does it and she responds: “I stir the rice mindfully.” I’ve thought a lot about that line, given how busy I feel so much of the time, trying to find a way to infuse the mundane with the shimmering edges of the day you so powerfully describe.

By: rob white Tue, 08 Jun 2010 15:06:21 +0000 Hi Belinda,
This was great. I thrive in the morning. I feel blessed that I eagerly anticipate waking up each day, pursuing my passion. It was not always like this… I spent many years awakening to a Self that had me dreading yet another day. When we are sincerely committed to our growth and development real change can occur. When I learned to observe myself, work on myself soon, I was awakening to the Self I wanted expressing through me. Real happiness is awakening to the Self you want to be.

By: Patty - Why Not Start Now? Tue, 08 Jun 2010 03:17:56 +0000 Hi Belinda – Very beautifully said. You really inspire me with the promise of morning as a new beginning, a fresh start (even though I’m a night person). Something in me clicks on in the evening, and the sight of stars in the sky excites me. And now that it’s getting hot, I love walking in the evening, at 9:00 or 10:00, experiencing the cool and quiet. That said, though, I’ve experienced a few memorable sunrises too. It’s all good!

By: Lauren Mon, 07 Jun 2010 23:25:22 +0000 Dear Belinda,

Awesome thoughts on the dawning of a new day and its symbolic and real meaning for beginning anew. Or perhaps just a fresh perspective.

I’m a night person and late at night I feel the magic of life. Something stirs in me and I come fully alive. Dusk and twilight and beyond are my favorites.

Still, I know the beauty, tranquility, and sense of renewal that a morning brings. I used to sit with my dad on the back porch in Costa Rica, greeting the morning to sounds of monkeys on the back mountain and colorful birds coming to feed and greet us. It was magnificent and I shall always cherish these memories.

I love the thoughts and the way you bring them together with such beauty in your words.

