Comments on: Together choosing positivity Fri, 20 May 2011 23:58:10 -0500 hourly 1 By: Tess The Bold Life Tess The Bold Life Sat, 23 Oct 2010 16:57:33 +0000 I've had enough of a running injury. Augghhh! I've started walking instead and now it hurts after walking. I’ve had enough of a running injury. Augghhh! I’ve started walking instead and now it hurts after walking.

By: Marci Marci Sat, 23 Oct 2010 12:51:08 +0000 Yes, we are more alike than different, aren't we? I think fear and misinformation fuels inequality, but that's just my take. As for me, I've had enough of mindless distractions. And, I have enough time for myself, when I look for it. Yes, we are more alike than different, aren’t we? I think fear and misinformation fuels inequality, but that’s just my take.
As for me, I’ve had enough of mindless distractions. And, I have enough time for myself, when I look for it.

By: Brook Brook Sat, 23 Oct 2010 05:38:23 +0000 Yes! I'm in total agreement with you. Yes! I’m in total agreement with you.

By: KB KB Sat, 23 Oct 2010 01:59:03 +0000 Yes, we all have much to work on in our world. Yes, we all have much to work on in our world.

By: joanny joanny Sat, 23 Oct 2010 00:42:38 +0000 Yours dreams of togetherness, I hope will become our children's reality, and the way of life here on mother earth beautiful art work too. Thoughtful ff55er, cheers, joanny Yours dreams of togetherness, I hope will become our children’s reality, and the way of life here on mother earth
beautiful art work too.

Thoughtful ff55er,


By: Rudri Rudri Sat, 23 Oct 2010 00:10:03 +0000 Well said. As always. Well said. As always.

By: Tweets that mention Together — the halfway point -- Tweets that mention Together — the halfway point -- Fri, 22 Oct 2010 20:31:12 +0000 [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Melissa Wilkins and Belinda Muñoz, kurio's resource. kurio's resource said: Together [...] [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Melissa Wilkins and Belinda Muñoz, kurio's resource. kurio's resource said: Together [...]

By: Melissa Melissa Fri, 22 Oct 2010 20:08:31 +0000 YES. We can--must!--do better, Teach our children to do better. To be, to make, a difference. The injustice we've seen cannot continue. YES. We can–must!–do better,
Teach our children to do better.
To be, to make, a difference.
The injustice we’ve seen cannot continue.

By: Caroline Caroline Fri, 22 Oct 2010 19:39:44 +0000 Hi! I've been reading you at Melissa's Six Word Fridays for a few weeks, and today I decided to write a 55 flash fiction. But, I can't figure out how to link there. Can you give me some hints? Furthermore, I agree with your thoughts today, and am glad you are brave enough to put it out there. Hi! I’ve been reading you at Melissa’s Six Word Fridays for a few weeks, and today I decided to write a 55 flash fiction. But, I can’t figure out how to link there. Can you give me some hints?

Furthermore, I agree with your thoughts today, and am glad you are brave enough to put it out there.

By: Carmen Henesy Carmen Henesy Fri, 22 Oct 2010 19:06:56 +0000 Excellent 55, addressing the outrageousness of the times. If only this bigotry could stop. I cringe at the senseless loss of young lives in the homophobia on our school campuses. Excellent 55, addressing the outrageousness of the times. If only this bigotry could stop. I cringe at the senseless loss of young lives in the homophobia on our school campuses.
