Comments on: The Politics of Communication: Avoiding the Trap of Relationship Partisanship choosing positivity Fri, 20 May 2011 19:53:09 -0500 hourly 1 By: Daisy Gentry Daisy Gentry Fri, 24 Dec 2010 02:28:46 +0000 Belinda, awesome post. I think I am a VL, too. Luckily,my husband falls asleep easily ! In politics whatever the politicians say , seem to follow them through the length of their careers! Belinda, awesome post. I think I am a VL, too. Luckily,my husband falls asleep easily ! In politics whatever the politicians say , seem to follow them through the length of their careers!

By: Day 323 This weeks 5 Day 323 This weeks 5 Thu, 18 Nov 2010 19:03:27 +0000 [...] The Halfway Point – The politics of communication avoiding the trap of relationship partisanship [...] [...] The Halfway Point – The politics of communication avoiding the trap of relationship partisanship [...]

By: Tweets that mention The Politics of Communication: Avoiding the Trap of Relationship Partisanship — the halfway point -- Tweets that mention The Politics of Communication: Avoiding the Trap of Relationship Partisanship — the halfway point -- Wed, 17 Nov 2010 23:15:11 +0000 [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Belinda Muñoz, kurio's resource. kurio's resource said: The Politics of Communication: Avoiding the Trap of Relationship Partisanship [...] [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Belinda Muñoz, kurio's resource. kurio's resource said: The Politics of Communication: Avoiding the Trap of Relationship Partisanship [...]

By: ayala ayala Mon, 15 Nov 2010 22:02:20 +0000 Belinda, awesome post. I think I am a VL, too. Luckily,my husband falls asleep easily ! In politics whatever the politicians say , seem to follow them through the length of their careers! Belinda, awesome post. I think I am a VL, too. Luckily,my husband falls asleep easily ! In politics whatever the politicians say , seem to follow them through the length of their careers!

By: Sara Healy Sara Healy Mon, 15 Nov 2010 21:07:49 +0000 Belinda -- LOL I loved this post and I did laugh out loud:~) I could see lots of people I know in your creative categories. It always nice when you run across a post, like this creative one...there's lots of sense amidst a lot of fun:~) I, myself, fit the the VL pretty well and my boyfriend can attest to the cons of this style of communicating. He's a combination IC, VL and CM, at least that's what I think. Thank you for this post:~) Belinda — LOL I loved this post and I did laugh out loud:~) I could see lots of people I know in your creative categories. It always nice when you run across a post, like this creative one…there’s lots of sense amidst a lot of fun:~)

I, myself, fit the the VL pretty well and my boyfriend can attest to the cons of this style of communicating. He’s a combination IC, VL and CM, at least that’s what I think.

Thank you for this post:~)

By: Belinda Munoz Belinda Munoz Mon, 15 Nov 2010 20:30:46 +0000 I love the idea of a listening class. You're right, it's not taught in schools. It's somehow assumed that those who have ears know how to listen. Not always true... I love the idea of a listening class. You’re right, it’s not taught in schools. It’s somehow assumed that those who have ears know how to listen. Not always true…

By: Belinda Munoz Belinda Munoz Mon, 15 Nov 2010 20:28:39 +0000 Your father-in-law and my little guy have something in common! Your father-in-law and my little guy have something in common!

By: Belinda Munoz Belinda Munoz Mon, 15 Nov 2010 20:27:52 +0000 I think I'm a VL, too. Luckily, my husband falls asleep easily. I think I’m a VL, too. Luckily, my husband falls asleep easily.

By: Belinda Munoz Belinda Munoz Mon, 15 Nov 2010 20:26:37 +0000 It's a drag to have to address a sticking point. I can't say that I always do when I need to, but the times that I have, my anticipation would have a way of blowing things out of proportion. The resulting conversation never ends up to be so least not that I can remember ; ) It’s a drag to have to address a sticking point. I can’t say that I always do when I need to, but the times that I have, my anticipation would have a way of blowing things out of proportion. The resulting conversation never ends up to be so dramatic…at least not that I can remember ; )

By: Giulietta Nardone Giulietta Nardone Mon, 15 Nov 2010 19:41:28 +0000 Hi Belinda, Communication can be hard because we often don't say what we really mean or mean what we say. Basically, we bring a lot of baggage to the conversation. And from a small child onward, honesty in the verbal department is not encouraged. I know everyone talks about honesty, but promoting it is a different beast because folks keep saying we'll "hurt" each other if we say the truth -- so we dance around it and dance into others dancing around it -- and things never settle. Hmm. Me as communicator. I'm very expressive, if not borderline theatrical at times. Put me in front of a town meeting trying to save something and you'll hear me speaking with gobs of passion -- it just flows. That said, it can be hard to turn off. I actually took a listening class for 6 weeks about 15 years ago, to learn how to listen. Even with that class, I find it takes a lot of concentration to stay in the moment of a conversation. Listening is another skill not actively promoted. Fun! G. Hi Belinda,

Communication can be hard because we often don’t say what we really mean or mean what we say. Basically, we bring a lot of baggage to the conversation. And from a small child onward, honesty in the verbal department is not encouraged. I know everyone talks about honesty, but promoting it is a different beast because folks keep saying we’ll “hurt” each other if we say the truth — so we dance around it and dance into others dancing around it — and things never settle.

Hmm. Me as communicator. I’m very expressive, if not borderline theatrical at times. Put me in front of a town meeting trying to save something and you’ll hear me speaking with gobs of passion — it just flows. That said, it can be hard to turn off. I actually took a listening class for 6 weeks about 15 years ago, to learn how to listen. Even with that class, I find it takes a lot of concentration to stay in the moment of a conversation. Listening is another skill not actively promoted.

Fun! G.
