Comments on: Hard to Ignore choosing positivity Fri, 20 May 2011 19:53:09 -0500 hourly 1 By: Marci Marci Fri, 17 Dec 2010 18:58:36 +0000 Lovely words, powerful impact. I can't imagine what it be like to have my "life in a cart." Thank you for the reminder of how good most of us have it and to not forget those who don't share this with us. Lovely words, powerful impact. I can’t imagine what it be like to have my “life in a cart.” Thank you for the reminder of how good most of us have it and to not forget those who don’t share this with us.

By: Victoria Victoria Fri, 17 Dec 2010 01:22:43 +0000 Powerful, thought-provoking poem. You paint this warm cozy picture then throw open the doors to the cold reality of homelessness. I live in a nice neighborhood by the Truckee River. This morning I heard that they broke up a homless camp probably not a mile away. You have tackled this issue in a most effective way, Belinda. Thanks for your comments on my poem as well. Victoria Powerful, thought-provoking poem. You paint this warm cozy picture then throw open the doors to the cold reality of homelessness. I live in a nice neighborhood by the Truckee River. This morning I heard that they broke up a homless camp probably not a mile away. You have tackled this issue in a most effective way, Belinda. Thanks for your comments on my poem as well.

By: Belinda Belinda Fri, 17 Dec 2010 00:06:02 +0000 Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Michael. I can only imagine what it must've been like for you. And thank you for making a point to let us know that even a smile and a good word are acts of kindness because there are times, especially these days, when that's all some of us can afford to give. Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Michael. I can only imagine what it must’ve been like for you. And thank you for making a point to let us know that even a smile and a good word are acts of kindness because there are times, especially these days, when that’s all some of us can afford to give.

By: Rudri Rudri Thu, 16 Dec 2010 21:38:34 +0000 I like how you mingle cheer with sadness. It is the holiday season, but there are people who are hurting and are helpless to change their plight. It's about awareness and your poetry elevates us to think beyond our own lives. Thank You. I like how you mingle cheer with sadness. It is the holiday season, but there are people who are hurting and are helpless to change their plight. It’s about awareness and your poetry elevates us to think beyond our own lives. Thank You.

By: dustus dustus Thu, 16 Dec 2010 18:20:04 +0000 Harrowing time of year to be out on the streets, especially where I live and where I grew up. The final stanza mentioning bitter sweet is apt—makes me think the hot cocoa from the first line; sweet at first, bitter once one thinks about the holidays for many others. Great poetry; a socially conscious reminder. Cheers, Belinda. Harrowing time of year to be out on the streets, especially where I live and where I grew up. The final stanza mentioning bitter sweet is apt—makes me think the hot cocoa from the first line; sweet at first, bitter once one thinks about the holidays for many others. Great poetry; a socially conscious reminder. Cheers, Belinda.

By: rob white rob white Thu, 16 Dec 2010 15:59:11 +0000 Another gem, Belinda. We are all part of one universal whole... that man or woman on the street is all of us. Another gem, Belinda. We are all part of one universal whole… that man or woman on the street is all of us.

By: Michael Yost Michael Yost Thu, 16 Dec 2010 05:08:58 +0000 In my addiction I was homeless for the holidays one year and I cannot express the feelings of hopelessness and despair. Give what you can when and if the opportunity comes along; that includes a smile and a good word. You'll be blessed by the act of kindness. Thanks Belinda for bringing up this growing national epidemic. In my addiction I was homeless for the holidays one year and I cannot express the feelings of hopelessness and despair. Give what you can when and if the opportunity comes along; that includes a smile and a good word. You’ll be blessed by the act of kindness. Thanks Belinda for bringing up this growing national epidemic.

By: katie katie Thu, 16 Dec 2010 01:30:45 +0000 Lovely poem, Belinda. And yes, we must not forget those who are not blessed with warmth and coziness. I count my blessings every time I nestle into my bed. Hard to imagine what it must be like to sleep on the street, but not so hard to lend a helping hand. Thank you for the reminder. Lovely poem, Belinda. And yes, we must not forget those who are not blessed with warmth and coziness. I count my blessings every time I nestle into my bed. Hard to imagine what it must be like to sleep on the street, but not so hard to lend a helping hand. Thank you for the reminder.

By: Laura Hegfield Laura Hegfield Wed, 15 Dec 2010 23:43:39 +0000 so sad and unfair...and true. beautiful. so sad and unfair…and true. beautiful.

By: SuziCate SuziCate Wed, 15 Dec 2010 22:21:39 +0000 Beautiful. Your last stanza tells the truth of it. It is really cold right now, can't imagine being out in the elements for long periods of time. Hoping they all find a warm place to rest their heads this holiday season. Beautiful. Your last stanza tells the truth of it. It is really cold right now, can’t imagine being out in the elements for long periods of time. Hoping they all find a warm place to rest their heads this holiday season.
