Comments on: Dreaming, Wishing, Then What? choosing positivity Thu, 12 Jan 2012 07:52:35 -0600 hourly 1 By: Hilary Hilary Thu, 12 Jan 2012 07:52:35 +0000 Hi Belinda .. good to see you commenting over at my blog - thanks for that. Gosh - dreaming and wishing .. don't help much - except perhaps to remind us where we should be - I do it every morning, but don't rise and shine earlier! Then I can't catch my tail for the rest of the day ... however ... being us, being relaxed, not fretting, giving a little more time to people, not rushing off ... doing what we do, not what others expect ... life is ours. I love your words: "I wish for a warmer civilization where nurturing, encouraging and caring for others is the norm. " We cannot change the world ourselves, but we can set examples, and lead by being responsible for our actions ... which some will catch on to - we are way too selfish as ourselves. But just do all the things we believe in .. Have a good year - and I do hope it rains soon .. reminds me of when I left SA - I was quite glad to be back in cool England .. except we had a warm summer that year - 20 years ago! Cheers for now .. Hilary Hi Belinda .. good to see you commenting over at my blog – thanks for that.

Gosh – dreaming and wishing .. don’t help much – except perhaps to remind us where we should be – I do it every morning, but don’t rise and shine earlier! Then I can’t catch my tail for the rest of the day … however

… being us, being relaxed, not fretting, giving a little more time to people, not rushing off … doing what we do, not what others expect … life is ours. I love your words: “I wish for a warmer civilization where nurturing, encouraging and caring for others is the norm. ”

We cannot change the world ourselves, but we can set examples, and lead by being responsible for our actions … which some will catch on to – we are way too selfish as ourselves. But just do all the things we believe in ..

Have a good year – and I do hope it rains soon .. reminds me of when I left SA – I was quite glad to be back in cool England .. except we had a warm summer that year – 20 years ago! Cheers for now .. Hilary

By: Cathy Cathy Thu, 12 Jan 2012 00:34:53 +0000 I must concur with BLW. Dreaming and wishing is fine but it leaves your head in the clouds. Doing is what matters, what makes a difference. Happy new year Belinda. My holiday spirit is gone but I'm okay with that. I find it overwhelming and stressful. Now I can simply relax - and hope for snow. I must concur with BLW. Dreaming and wishing is fine but it leaves your head in the clouds. Doing is what matters, what makes a difference. Happy new year Belinda. My holiday spirit is gone but I’m okay with that. I find it overwhelming and stressful. Now I can simply relax – and hope for snow.

By: ayala ayala Thu, 12 Jan 2012 00:33:12 +0000 A great thought provoking post. Actions at times can be small yet speak volumes. It can be overwhelming to have the desire to help all those that need it, but we must reach those that we can. Wishing and dreaming is always positive. A great thought provoking post. Actions at times can be small yet speak volumes. It can be overwhelming to have the desire to help all those that need it, but we must reach those that we can. Wishing and dreaming is always positive.

By: BigLittleWolf BigLittleWolf Wed, 11 Jan 2012 23:05:36 +0000 What a thoughtful, intelligent, encouraging post. Wishing and dreaming are so much a part of the human animal, and we should be happy with that. But wishing and dreaming become more possible when we are inclusive, especially if the dream is for more of us to <i>share</i> the dreams we have as individuals and families and communities. And when you peel away the "everything" that so many people think they need, what they truly need - and want - is about self-respect and the affection of others, and <i>meaning</i>. Thank you for bringing us back to meaning. After dreaming and wishing? Action. Small actions in reaching out, in speaking out, in reminding ourselves and each other what matters. In doing something so more people can enjoy what matters. Going beyond wishing and dreaming. What a thoughtful, intelligent, encouraging post. Wishing and dreaming are so much a part of the human animal, and we should be happy with that. But wishing and dreaming become more possible when we are inclusive, especially if the dream is for more of us to share the dreams we have as individuals and families and communities.

And when you peel away the “everything” that so many people think they need, what they truly need – and want – is about self-respect and the affection of others, and meaning.

Thank you for bringing us back to meaning.

After dreaming and wishing?

Action. Small actions in reaching out, in speaking out, in reminding ourselves and each other what matters. In doing something so more people can enjoy what matters. Going beyond wishing and dreaming.

By: Mimi Mimi Wed, 11 Jan 2012 17:09:34 +0000 I found you through a spirituality website and have been following your blog ever since. Your questions resonate with me as I, too, feel the sense of urgency that you communicate through this post. Thank you for asking these questions. I found you through a spirituality website and have been following your blog ever since. Your questions resonate with me as I, too, feel the sense of urgency that you communicate through this post. Thank you for asking these questions.

By: Rodolfo in Reverse Rodolfo in Reverse Wed, 11 Jan 2012 14:44:40 +0000 Thoughtful post, Belinda. I'm new here...dreaming and wishing of starting my own blog very soon and finding many wonderful posts to inspire me. I actually live in the country, so I often have the experience you describe at the beginning of the post in reverse: I leave the lights and activity of the nearby "big" town behind to drive back to our country cottage and the quiet life. Your final question is what really got me...I don't know if I'm fully immersed in the new year and its possibilities yet, but your post got me fired up. Thank you and I will return to the halfway point early and often! Thoughtful post, Belinda. I’m new here…dreaming and wishing of starting my own blog very soon and finding many wonderful posts to inspire me. I actually live in the country, so I often have the experience you describe at the beginning of the post in reverse: I leave the lights and activity of the nearby “big” town behind to drive back to our country cottage and the quiet life. Your final question is what really got me…I don’t know if I’m fully immersed in the new year and its possibilities yet, but your post got me fired up. Thank you and I will return to the halfway point early and often!
