Comments on: Who Do You Think You Are? choosing positivity Wed, 20 Mar 2013 19:11:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: movers web » "starving students" movers blogspot 10/21 Fri, 28 Oct 2011 15:02:46 +0000 […] 9.Who Do You Think You Are? — the halfway point Mar 8, 2010 … This is precisely why I’m not a politics blogger. In real life, we don’t … (Once my husband and I hired a moving company called Starving Students. They were clearly ….. 14 Belinda Munoz March 9, 2010 at 10:21 pm. @Phil … […]

By: Labels! UGH! « Nicki's Thoughts, Art & Friends Fri, 12 Mar 2010 14:17:42 +0000 […] a little time this week reading about labels.  Belinda, over at The Halfway Point, wrote about labels this week.  Jane, at They Call Me Jane’s Blog, also wrote about labels this week.  Both got […]

By: lauren Thu, 11 Mar 2010 02:33:51 +0000 “The make me smile, they make my heart swell, they make me want to live up to them the best way I know how.” I love this. I am a new mom, and the word “mom” – my new name, my new identity – makes me grin. Glad to have found you!

By: Lauren Wed, 10 Mar 2010 19:40:56 +0000 I love this exploration of identity and the labels we attach to ourselves to create meaning in our lives. I remember when I was younger I wanted so much to be a “good” person with integrity in all my actions. In fact, I think I pretty much wanted to be perfect. Became a little stifling to say the least.

Later, I learned to relax and be “good enough”. Whew, what a relief. By the way, did you ever notice “perfect” people are not really very fun to be around. And, hey, isn’t fun a great benefit of walking the face of the planet!

We are multi-faceted and life contains such richness. Our uniqueness is a tapestry, an interwoven blending of qualities. We are alive, not static, which is why any one label will never adequately describe who we are.

Yet, as you so poignantly remind us, certain roles (labels) bring us great joy and pleasure. I would like to have these labels: authentic, a lover of life, a friend to and lover of children, an irreverent playful wild woman, a person who plays well with others, a person who leaves others feeling a little more joy-filled after our encounter, a contributer, an uplifter.

Thank you for your contribution and for guiding us into exploration. I always get a lot from your words.

By: nothingprofound Wed, 10 Mar 2010 13:45:28 +0000 It’s nice the way you put a positive spin on labels. it shows there are two sides to everything. I just ignore labels and words in general. I don’t think they mean anything.

By: Motivational Speaker - Craig Harper Wed, 10 Mar 2010 10:33:55 +0000 Everything you do (and don’t do) says something about your brand (label) – who you are; your communication style, your habits, your values, how you present yourself, what shape you’re in physically, how you deal with different situations and challenges, how you manage relationships, how you resolve conflict, how you interact with your staff / work colleagues, your ability to get stuff done and the results you do and don’t produce.

By: Belinda Munoz Wed, 10 Mar 2010 06:21:08 +0000 @Phil, beautiful! I especially love simple and complex because we do live in an abundantly grey world instead of a black and white one. Yet even though we all know this, we still demand black and white; we want for things to make sense when they don’t, more often than not. And you’re right, I haven’t figured out how to live a purely spiritual life with a very physical presence so yes, I’ll take the labels in my real world, real time existence. Thanks.

@Nicki, I hear you. Some labels will never sound good to me even though to some, it’s the only label they’ll see attached to me. Will others ever understand (or care) why I reject these labels? And you’re right, what about those who don’t have the luxury of choosing their label? To be able to do so is an immense privilege not to be taken for granted. Still, having experienced being defined by others taught me to reclaim parts of my identity that can be distilled into a label so that I can effectively define myself. I think blogging helps with this in a way. Thanks.

@Keith, but if they’re calling you good labels, then your mother should hear : ) Thanks.

@Sara, I love how you said that: the hub of the wheel while others circling it may remain or change. And I love that you gave voice to the shy ones — the ones we keep for ourselves until they’re ready to debut. I can surely relate! And the term “thinking adventures” — it so good it sends me on one right now! Thanks.

@Rudri, welcome to The Halfway Point! You’re right, they do perpetuate stereotypes. I felt that way for a long time until I saw the first copy of the magazine called “Bitch” ten years ago or so. I loved how they reclaimed the word as an empowering one and it really helped me see labels differently and at times, defiantly. Thanks for stopping by.

By: Rudri Wed, 10 Mar 2010 03:26:51 +0000 Interesting post. I shy away from labels because I think they perpetuate stereotypes. If I am “this,” then I can’t be “that.” I know that sometimes labels are a necessary evil, but I find it liberating to not use them. Thanks for the thought-provoking post. I also appreciate your comment on my entry.

By: Sara Tue, 09 Mar 2010 23:00:36 +0000 Belinda — Interesting post and I agree with Patty one that requires a bit of thinking. I believe some labels are central, the hub of the wheel for me — like woman and mother — these stay consistent.

Others circle around the hub, sometimes changing out and sometimes not. In addition, to add to the confusion, I have labels that are expressed out loud and those that I keep to myself; these are the shy ones I’m not quite ready to expose to the world:~)

I also agree with Eva. You do pick very interesting concepts and then make them into thinking adventures. I loved this chance to explore the concept of “labels” and how you made me see them in different ways. Thank you:~)

By: Trece Tue, 09 Mar 2010 19:53:33 +0000 I am not a huge label fan either. When pressed, I’ll admit to female blogger. I also happen to be a Christian, a wife, a mother, a home educator, a lipstick republican, an NCIS fan and an obsessed pen collector. But none of those labels do more than identify one facet at a time of my being. Excellent post.
