My mind is buzzing with stories. Stories told by a prosecutor/human trafficking expert who wants nothing more than to hold offenders accountable for crimes they commit. Stories from domestic abuse shelter workers who want nothing more than to stop the violence. Stories from Occupy Wall Street in Zuccotti Park, as told by an author/playwright/activist who has been hanging out there and wants nothing more than to revolutionize our systems that have neglected to prioritize the well-being of one another.
These stories are not made up. They are stories our friends, relatives and neighbors live as truths, whether or not we acknowledge them.
I’m not exactly sure how, but I’m convinced that these stories are all connected. Perhaps they are connected in the way that we are now, more than ever, willing to uncover the root causes of the problematic conditions in which we find ourselves. Perhaps they are connected in the way they wake us up; in how these stories make us question how we ever let unacceptable behaviors/policies seep into our communities. Perhaps they are connected because these stories confront our humanity and values and challenge us to do better.
I don’t know how these stories will end. What I do know is that we all have an open invitation to do something to add to these stories. We all have an opportunity to contribute to a new chapter — one that is hopeful, powerful and worthy of this gift of life we have been given.
As I close my week, husband asked me to contribute to a story book project for our son’s pre-school, aptly called All About Me. I looked through photos of each year of my son’s life and marveled at how quickly time has whizzed by.
In the story book, there is a question specifically for the parents: What are your hopes and dreams for your child?
Here’s what we wrote:
- We hope that he will grow up to be a man who is unafraid to feel and express emotions.
- We hope that his actions and decisions are rooted in compassion, truth and love.
- We hope he understands that the successes he achieves are not possible on his own and that he stands on the shoulders of many; some of whom are beloved and close, others are strangers.
- We hope that he continues to believe and take action as though anything is possible.
- We hope that passion is alive in his life’s work.
- We hope that his inner light will not extinguish but rather glow brightest in the darkest of rooms.
- We hope that he never ever underestimates his power to add a hopeful chapter to an unfinished story.
Do hopes and dreams figure in to your story?
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I wish more of “our” stories were capable of including others. To me, without giving, I’m emptier. Not empty, but emptier.
All stories should involve some pursuit of dreams – at least – I think so.
I love your post, Belinda. I love the hopes and dreams you have for your son. I am certain that he will grow up to be a wonderful man. It’s exciting to watch our children and how they change and how they touch lives. My older son has brought me so much pride with his volunteer work and his life’s passion. He runs a clinic for the poor in his community and he is always lending a hand and helping others. My ten year old is volunteering to tutor kids in his school with math and reading. He is also in student council and he is helping the food drive for Thanksgiving. They make me so proud, to know that they will change the world in a better way. One life at a time.
Your son will do the same!
It’s so important to have dreams for yourself and your kids. If you can’t see it, you can’t achieve it. Thank you for the reminder. I needed it.
The storybook project is a lovely keepsake for both you, hubby and your little one.