Lunar Light

by Belinda Munoz on April 9, 2012

bolinas full moon 04 12
I was in the midst of a mundane task ambling about inside an unlit room when I caught a glimpse of the moon. It stunned me. I found myself transfixed for who knows how long. Angling for a better view, I stood on the deck, engulfed by its light and the soothing sound of the ocean waves. All that I knew, believed and agonized over seemed to fall away.

I could not help but feel small, in a good way, and appropriately so. This sense of smallness somehow left me feeling comforted, connected and counted. It was as though for a brief moment, I possessed clarity in how it all made sense.

I have not felt that way in a very long time and I am grateful that:
a) I have the openness and emotional agility to allow the moon’s potent power to pull me in
b) despite a few droplets of cynicism that have crept in and managed to evaporate into a thin layer that sometimes fogs up my faith in things big and small, I can still receive some form of illumination from an unplanned source
c) I have the wherewithal to capture, share and reflect upon it. How easy is it to say who cares?

A flash of deeply felt clarity. That’s what the moon gave me the other night as I stood at the crossroads of reason and mystery. Whether or not it was valid is not for me to determine, debate or defend.

Mine is only one perspective, a small speck among billions needing, seeking, sometimes obstructing, hopefully eventually finding light. It’s small. Nevertheless, under the ageless, season-less lunar light, it counts.


Has the moon ever moved you?
Have other celestial bodies?

image by me

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Kathleen April 9, 2012 at 9:55 am

Very lovely post. I am a new reader and already looking forward to diving into your archives and reading forth coming posts! Thank you halfway point!


2 ayala April 9, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Beautiful post, Belinda.


3 Kristen @ Motherese April 11, 2012 at 11:21 am

I love your words here, Belinda, and especially these: “I stood at the crossroads of reason and mystery.” I feel like I live much of my life at that very spot and so am grateful for your reflection on what you’ve seen from your perspective.


4 Rudri Bhatt Patel @ Being Rudri April 24, 2012 at 7:19 am

The glimpses of the moon can be so powerful. This line especially resonated with me,
“Mine is only one perspective, a small speck among billions needing, seeking, sometimes obstructing, hopefully eventually finding light.” So true and universal. Thank you Belinda for this piece.


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