Memory is the third of a series of five topics for Momalom’s Five for Ten.
ancient floppy discs
obsolete like typewriters
my, the years fly by
youth and innocence
defiant independence
twenty, brave and brash
what really happened
often editorialized
that’s Fox news for you
pages have yellowed
facts, jumbled and distorted
bitterness remains
Releasing baggage
Living in the here and now
New memories made
fifty years later
still happy and committed
my parents-in-law
Image by incurable hippie
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Beautiful! The “twenty, brave and brash” gosh I miss those days!
I love the haiku idea! How clever!
My favorite is the one about the grudge. It certainly hits home.
Lovely! My favorite is on growing up. Man, I sure was brash and brave at 20 too
I love the haiku also. It’s almost the way my sketchy brain *actually* remembers things!
The haikus are great
I could have said what they said
Comments up above
Yeah, I’ll stop. Yours were much better.
That rocks, C!
Love the grudge haiku. Great imagery.
Haikus Rule! I can’t write them, but admire those that can. I love the Letting Go of Past Hurt. Thanks Belinda!
I’m happy for your parents-in-law! Such a thing to celebrate.
I like the juxtaposition of Holding a Grudge and Letting Go of Past Hurt. I’m going to try and choose the latter today. Thanks for the poetry of choice.
Love haikus – and these are great. The one about past hurt resonates most with me.
Thanks Belinda. Great depiction of memories. And happy anniversary to your in-laws. How momentous and lovely!
Haikus themselves are a huge memory of mine-I totally remember trying to perfect them in grade school! What a great concept, and yours are beautiful.
Very clever and very beautiful. Wow, 50 years… hard to imagine. Well done!
Not only can you write essays, you can write poetry! (And Haikus nonetheless!)
The news one cracked me up. : )
Wow, 50 years! What great role models to have in your life.
Belinda, I love your poetry. I so admire how you can say something meaningful in a few choice words just as well as you can in full paragraphs. Such talent!
This makes me think of writing haiku in 7th grade English. I loved haiku! Why? Because it has rules, and I love rules. I do better when there are clear guidelines. Poetry in general is intimidating to me, but haiku is this great balance between creativity and structure.
wow, this is neat! Did you write these? I love haiku and poems, I used to write them before my days of being mom.
brings lot of fond memories. Thanks for sharing.
Yes I did. glad you enjoyed them.
You’re good poetess. I did enjoy it. Thanks again.
Very creative!
Beautiful, Belinda!
Hi Belinda , youth and innocence. Now I am working on mature and innocence. Innocence is so powerful. xox Wilma
What beautiful poetry with simple words!
Such talent!!!
This was such a beautiful read, so much lies in the simplicity of it.
I love the simple clarity and elegance of each poem, but “On Holding Grudges” really struck me. I will think about the yellowing pages and those jumbled and distorted facts the next time I am tempted to hold onto anger too long.
You are brilliant…I enjoyed each one!
On your post…
The perfect companion for my Saturday musings, Belinda! Thank you!
Commenting tonight
Meeting you through five for ten
Happy to be here
I love the one on holding a grudge. So true. Facts distorted and jumbled.
I don’t hold grudges…..mostly because I can’t remember to…..but the rest of my family….yikes!
Thank you for sharing.
Belinda, I love this. The sweet simpleness of a Haiku.
I hope with all of my hear to be that couple, have THAT marriage, celebrate 50 years of memories with my husband (even if he DOES drive me crazy sometimes)!
Belinda, I couldn’t write a haiku to save my life, so I’ll just reread yours instead. Ahhh… that’s better!