Her name, the marquee, never touch.
Her voice, the microphone, never kiss.
Adoring eyes, her gaze, never meet.
Reserved parking? Chauffeur? Not for her.
She’s got chops. She’s got flair.
Like number one, she’s present everywhere.
Without her around, there’s no show.
Her kind makes the stars glow.
Second banana? Nah. Rock star unplugged.
This is for all those who work secondary roles or behind the scenes to make a system work: the RNs to the MDs, the adjuncts to the PhDs, the associates to the uber-JDs, the assistants to the bosses, etc. May we give them a second look and appreciate them for what they do.
Linking with the ever-clever G-MAN for #fridayflash55 and with the dreamer-and-doer Melissa of Making Things Up for #sixwordfridays, the prompt is SECOND.
Image by Kyknoord
{ 25 comments… read them below or add one }
Nice, Belinda. When my parents were in the hospital I often admired the hard work the nurses would put in. The doctors would come in and out and barely spend anytime but the nurses would watch for any change and work hard . Behind every operation there are many people behind the scene-lovely tribute.
I’ve always preferred being the second-in-command, assistant, deputy, whatever. Because you might have to do the work and the boss takes the credit, but when the sh1t hits the fan it’s him they;re shouting at – not you!
Nice to be noticed though. Good post.
nice 55…often the second chairs go unnoticed…thanks for giving them the spotlight today…
LOVE this! Taking time for seconds today
Great to see you again at Six Word Fridays. You always give an interesting and unique twist on the week’s topic. I love your take here. There are certainly so many people who stand in the shadows of someone else. Let’s appreciate them!
As Indira Gandhi once said: “There are two kinds of people: those who do the work, and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.”
Your poem is a great moment of recognition to all those doing the work in the background.
This 55 Blew Me Away….
I read and have read more 55’s than anybody and…?
This was one of those take a step back and read again.
A very real A-Ha Moment…Thanks, I don’t get that many.
You Rock Baby, have a Kick Ass Week-End…G
Did you ever know that you’re my hero? Welcome back! I missed you.
The worker-bees and second-in-commands are often the most giving, compassionate, and helpful to those who need their knowledge, reliability and kindness. The unsung heroes, so to speak.
Love this and love the bananas! You’re awesome.
This was a pure delight! I loved it! If not for those quietly going about their business, the “top bananas” wouldn’t have it so good.
Very creative.
Very true words, and quite a clever illustration–may we always remember those who do the hard work and without the glory or the acclaim, but for its own sake.
Let’s hear it for second fiddles!
First chairs could never shine alone.
Seconds make the world go round.
You always have a fresh perspective on things – I love it. And what a sweet dedication. Kudos to those in secondary (but vital) roles indeed!
oooh, love your take on seconds! hooray for the always present underdog!
Sending out a “hell yeah” to the nurses!
Nice…..An Ode to unsung heroes…..Very important cogs in the wheel who rarely get the credit they deserve.
As an RN for 45 years ( just lost my forensic nursing job of 21 years in the massive budget cuts two years ago to the San Francisco Dept of Public Health ), we were seldom acknowledged for the work we did ( sometimes by families and patients but RARELY by administration and physicians. Thank you so much for your kind words. I am sure it is the same, as you pointed out in other specialties. Kudos to you for your kind words.
I see we are both in this area!!
My 55 is at:
It seemed like a nice little house in the winter snow – then, all of a sudden you took that mysterious turn!!
My 55 is at:
a definite shout-out to nurses. i had the misfortune of being critically injured many years back which resulted in a two-week hospital stay. the nurses took awesome care of me. i only saw the doctors during 6 a.m. rounds. ugh.
rock stars unplugged all the way!
I second that “hell yeah” above! Rock star unplugged indeed!
Love this Belinda. Great tribute to those behind the scenes people in all of our lives. They deserve a standing ovation.
Aww…such a sweet sweet thought in 55!!! What a lovely tribute to all the unappreciated stars… really nice!!
Love your take on this theme! You’re right, it’s the ’seconds’ that keep things ticking along (pun not intented)