Tie loosens
Cuffs unlink
Forehead glistens
Eyes blink
Time stalls
Focus blurs
Home calls
Longing stirs
Work waits
Tension released
Stress abates
Peace increased
Skies darken
Night swoops
Sinews loosen
Posture droops
Mind relaxes
Sleep creeps…
Evening elapses
Alarm beeps
Breath deepens
Body restored
Vision sharpens
Tea poured
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Autumn Sunrise image by James Jordan
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I really enjoyed that. Wonderful rhythm – love the rhyming itself; it really works. Well done
Thanks, and welcome to The Halfway Point, Catt! I credit the drummers in my home for any rhythm I might have : )
whew…quick pace…but that is life…and we all need to take time for renew and a cup of tea (or coffee, smiles.) nice one shot!
Quick pace is right. Mostly dreaming about renewal these days…and reminding myself things will slow down soon enough.
I love the way you shared life in short bursts!
Belinda, a lovely poem! Renewal is something we crave for these days! Keep dreaming…it will be here soon enough!
Lovely poem. I could see this one illustrated
Frantic pace… as if the poem was a few blinks long, yet very powerful, intense & leading to a nice quiet moment. Great title for this piece. Cheers, Belinda
Took me a minute to be willing to go with it, but when I did it was fun. Fun poem!
Welcome to The Halfway Point, poem blaze! Glad you thought it was fun.
Fast and headlong rush! I envy this person the chance to grab a cup of tea before the day kicks off
tea poured was my key word…need a cup of tea now…
belinda, i really like how you wrote this – the 2 word lines are just perfect for what you say – it gives the feeling of stress – and then the tea….hmmmm
You poets are all so talented. I just left Lori’s blog. Each time I think yours can’t get better you seem to take us higher!
Great rhythm and rhyme, building a flow that carries us on to that delightful, sensational realization…of tea. Wonderful one shot!
Spectacular. It was rhythmic and quick and oh so relaxing. I think it’s so true, the gradual unwinding and surrendering at the end of the day. I can see this on a relaxation tape or insomnia tape – would help me sleep (I mean that in a good way).
Hi Marci, thanks! I chuckled because I’ve been told I have a relaxing voice. Funny to think that this piece kinda mirrors that quality for you. Will definitely take it as a compliment ; )
This seems almost circular, like it’s going to head back to the top again. Nice job keeping to the 2-word form while still making it rhyme AND following a logical flow. A stellar One Shot, Belinda!
Welcome to the cyclical world of a working stiff! Really well done, Belinda.
Lovely. (And what a nifty exercise, so well executed.) So peaceful, that it circles back to a cup of tea.
And an equally beautiful photograph.
Hi Belinda,
Great to cross paths again!
Night swoops — wow, now there’s a visual. I love the tempo of this, Belinda.
You have a gift. Great One Shot. I’ll be looking forward to another dose very soon. Sending bushels of sunshine and warm wishes your way!
Wonderful. Love the pic too.
could practically hear the drum beating frantically in the back ground as i read .. very well expressed
As I started reading this I felt my heart beat faster. Then when you mentioned tea at the very end I instantly felt relaxed (I’m a Teavana-holic). This really moved me, love it! Your writing is beautiful.
Ah, renewal… I love how you capture it.
Love that poem, Belinda! Awesome.
Love the beat and cadence of this poem. Renewal is a great title for these words.
love how fast time and your poem moves! xo
Belinda, very well written.. Life, stances and quick stops.. wonderful!!
As I read this on a Monday morning, I’m itching, no dying, for the end of my day here at work and yearning to crawl into bed to snuggle with my family at home. Oh if only…