I claw
Out of a cave
To behold panoramic views from here to heaven.
I dig
Beneath fragile ground
To unearth nuggets more precious than gems.
I listen
Amidst jangly chatter
To hear the ringing of a crystal carillon.
I bend
In thunderous winds
To weather building storms.
I taste
Bitter sadness and regret
To cleanse my palate for bites of bliss.
I slog
Onto shifting sand
To steady my stand on slippery steps.
I question
The mysteries beyond the scope of science
To test my trust and reject blind faith.
I face
My folly, my downfall
To stumble on greatness that lives within me.
I accept
Myself as I am, and you as you are
To glimpse me in you, you in them and them in us.
Image by oddsock
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Beautiful Belinda. I love the way that you connected us all to your poem in the last stanza. We are all one, reflections of each other and of the whole. Lovely!
I really enjoyed reading this and watching it unfold, one action at a time. And, the photo is awesome!
We are all human, more alike each other than we think. People commonly ask me if they are normal or crazy. Those 2 questions always make me shrug and smirk. “I don’t know” I tell them. We live on a continuum with each other, all have strengths and weaknesses. And, we can even mess up and create problems in similar ways, we just don’t want to admit it
I think there is an essence, our soul, in each of us, that is unlike no one else, yet we are no better no worse than anyone else.
Majorly beautiful poem, Belinda!
I accept you and me too.
And the next sidebar button I design and post on my site will be YOURS! Look for it in the next day. Maybe something with the Giants on it??
Jannie, you made my day! Will take a look at that groovy little button soon! xox
Been working on those centerpiece pots, and now to scour your lovely site for a good graphic for your button.
The button is up. Not sure if your comment came in before I had posted it or not.
Just saw it…I feel SO special! Thanks, Jannie! xox
Belinda, I could feel the omniscience in these lines,
“I accept Myself as I am, and you as you are
To glimpse me in you, you in them and them in us.”
It’s the universal experience for all of us. You captured it perfectly.
Simply beautiful, Belinda.
nice..this is rather lovely…particularly the taste of bitterness to cleanse the palette for blis…great one shot.
Belinda — WOW. This is a great poem. I read aloud and loved every verse:~) I did have a favorite, however….
“I taste
Bitter sadness and regret
To cleanse my palate for bites of bliss.”
Oh, this stanza just captures my heart:~) Well written my friend!
Hi Belinda,
How are you? I loved all of the verses but this one, in particular:
I accept
Myself as I am, and you as you are
To glimpse me in you, you in them and them in us.
My wife and I are so hoping that our youngest accepts herself as she is – a beautiful, gifted young woman. If only she realized it.
I hope you are well.
What I refer to as “the commonality of the human experience” shines through this. Marvelous.
Just as our experiences shape our reality, your poetic lines build to the speaker’s explanation of a sense of self. The way you structure it, Belinda, adds depth to the overall meaning. Great writing!
So happy to have found you through oneshot
Really enjoyed this and am looking forward to reading more of you.
Great One Shot. I enjoyed this immensely.
Marvellous poetry. I liked the style and substance in this poetry. Well done.
We are all so much more alike than different and that’s what I take from the poem. Lovely!
I love this one, Belinda. Touches marvelously on the ying / yang nature and vicissitudes of life.
I like the voice to it, the message and the style…a nice touch on life, this one. The structure complements the depth as you address the self…and I like the piece, but I will confess, in the beginning it took me a moment to get into it because the opening flow of it just didn’t seem to pop for me. It’s well-writ, but the opening stanza just didn’t come out…smoothly for me, I guess. But that’s me.
I accept
Myself as I am, and you as you are
To glimpse me in you, you in them and them in us.
i do believe~that is…i think~i think i do believe… if i was you and you were me, that is…if we were we…
well, what i am trying to say is i like this a lot and through the clawing, the digging, the listening, the bending, the tasting…through it all is acceptance. it is as if you have traveled life on the straight roads and through each turn and have realized that so little mattered except you learned from those parts that did. brilliantly done!
accepting ourselves as we are is so important…and not always easy..beautifully said belinda
Excellent work, on all fronts.