Has won some battles against inertia
For people from Africa to Asia
It’s a notion evoking much contradiction
When it arrives there’s always friction
Of its ill-effects, critics make predictions
It polarizes people, yet it’s neutral
Growing up in life, it’s central
I admit it can be brutal
but clutching same-ol’ same-ol’ is…futile.
takes its time with dreams deferred
slow to listen to those unheard
hops to it with Visa preferred
flies lightning speed for Twitter bird
de-fogs glass windows that have blurred
throws curve ball at facts confirmed
mocks urban comforts, turns things absurd
sometimes acts like a four-letter word
when time comes, its arrival undeterred
A polarizing little word, it is.
Some love it, others hate it.
It’s less harmful than eating butter.
It’s less painful than natural childbirth.
It’s more exciting than status quo.
It bucks tradition. It exalts innovation.
Change is a bit like technology.
They both get a bad rap.
Time to fire their PR team?
Nothing wrong with your eyesight. There are three takes on CHANGE here, Melissa’s prompt for #sixwordfridays. G-man, you get three #fridayflash55s, too! Hope you like!
Three questions:
- What words come to mind when you hear the word CHANGE?
- What would you change right now, if you could?
- What would you like to remain just the way it is?
Image by lost-winterborn
{ 36 comments… read them below or add one }
Well said. Change really does rule our world.
nice…that was a lot of fun…and i agree on shange ening crucial…the same old same nope…
Oh you are so clever, my friend. You know what, I often want to write more than one poem on Melissa’s topic. Maybe some week I will. There is so much to say about change. I’m not sure why it’s a four-letter word, but we sure cling to the notion of security and sameness. But that’s not so interesting…
I’m happy you were so inspired today!
But I only require 55 words.
Any of yours was Most Excellent…
Thanks for playing so prolifically today,
And have a Kick Ass Week-End…G
The middle one was my favorite! So clever!
It does get a bad rap. I have to admit, I’m not fond of it.
I’m not sure I agree it’s neutral. But I love the idea of thinking about it!
You are always so prevocative. I love it.
Provocative. Darn it! I can spell.
Hi Christine, i just mean that it doesn’t take sides or favor anyone. Thanks for chiming in.
What a perfect six-letter word for Six Word Fridays. I love this line: “It bucks tradition. It exalts innovation”
Just when you think you’ve got a handle on change, it throws you offside. That’s the constant of change, right?
But, isn’t natural child birth change? She was in and now she’s out!
Very prolific today! Good for you. I love that very last line, “Time to fire their PR team?” Great stuff!
Ah yes. It’s definitely change. One we all look forward to.
(It looks like fun, so here’s my 55!)
Colors on the trees, cold leading up to Christmas
Hope in an election, hell the price to pay
Art and fashion mixing up with money and fame
No denying clean air or water for half the world
Great promise born in every new idea and face
End our troubles and birth our saviours in ourselves
Love your 55! You should post it on g-man’s site.
Hell to pay is right. I’m getting nauseous just thinking about what the next two years will be like on the federal level. More resistance than ever before. Ugh.
My hope is that it will energize enough of us to do the right thing in 2012.
Love it. Change only happens when you want it. Great post Belinda.
not a big fan of change but i accept it and generally adapt to it.
I am that person who loves change, craves it, seeks it out. Jobs, homes, hobbies, everything. Change I think is good for us, trying out new things etc. However, change for change’s sake is not necessarily so, that old adage “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” still holds true also.
Like you, i look forward to change. I change things up and often with little fanfare. I find stability in other things but i don’t need it in everything, especially things that can be improved upon.
Great poem!
you have done it once (thrice?) again. Now don’t change a thing!
Hey, there are 165 words – that’s cheating! (LOL!) Nice triplet of 55s, Belinda!
I also answered your three questions:
1. What words come to mind when you hear the word CHANGE?
Constant, inevitable and quick!
2. What would you change right now, if you could?
Slow down!
3. What would you like to remain just the way it is?
My age – unless I could make it go backwards a few years!
I love them all! Beautiful.
ha – that was a nice and enjoyable read belinda…natural childbirth made me think back…
These are great. I am not sure that I understand why change can be a 4 letter word but for many it is.
For my 6 word – Change is of the quarter and dime variety!
As I was telling Jane, I mostly embrace change. My personality craves it seeks it out. But once in a while, when it’s thrust upon me, like the death of a loved one, it’s rough.
Fire their PR team: brilliant suggestion.
I’m swamped with change right now. (new baby – changed family! new school year – changed kids! new house – lots of change!) I think it’s all going to be good, but yikes. Sometimes it’s hard to tell when to make a change and when to be content with how things are. Sometimes it’s obvious, but often it’s just not, you know?
change is as essential as breathing
great post
love it. “clutching same ‘ol same ‘ol is …futile”
why yes…yes it is, although sometimes we clutch to avoid that. crazy.
Embrace it or be left behind
Some good, some bad. Inevitable change.
Well done! And what a perfect autumn subject.
Loved that three-fer –
Beautifully conveyed. I myself, think change is something that needs to be nurtured. Some can take their time, others can’t and want to change again. And then it just turns into the absurd.
Great trio on change. One thing for certain–things will always change.
Lovely, true and a bit sad. Unfortunately, often when I hear “change” now I hear an echo of that snarky “How’s that workin’ out for ya?” Ouch, ouch, ouch. Hate when people wish the worst for someone, when we should always wish the best. There’s another thing that needs changing!
yes some things need to change so we can all function in this world
nice 55s
glad you were excited about those Giants
happy weekend
More than thought-provoking!
Reminds me that the only change worth anything is from inside me. And I better make sure it helps the world, not vice versa.
Yay, Giants! Blue Bunny does need a giants cap on someday!