As a story unfolds
Another one ends
As a story ends
Another begins
In the midst of
unfolding, ending and beginning
May you remember to live your story
Even if a bit tangled in loose threads.
What’s your story?
Must we tie up our loose threads (or untangle our knotted threads) before we can truly live? Or are all knotted and loose threads woven into living?
Are all stories somehow interwoven?
Image by ToastyKen
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nice…what a tangled skein we live on…threads coming together and parting leaving knots at times…our story. i wrote something very similar the other day…synchro…nice one shot…
Reads like great advice in poetic form. True to the tangled complexion of life. Wonderful poetry, Belinda.
My feeling about stories is that we need to remember that we are the authors of them, not passive characters. If we don’t like how they are going, we need to change the narrative thread.
I think of pulling on a lose thread that reveals the intricate unseen connections. The connections may not be obvious… but they are there and essential to the whole fabric of our lives.
The tangled stories we weave. The stories told and the stories held back avoiding judgement. I love your poem,Belinda!
oh i like this – and yeah – sometimes some stories seem to be tangled up – or woven into one another – and that’s what make them so unique and adventurous..vey nice poem belinda
Perfect Belinda. Just Perfect. Thanks for this today.
I like it.
Love it. Simple. True.
I’ve decided not to tie up all my loose ends or start new ones. To focus on what I already have and grow what’s in front of me. Sometimes unlearning and letting go is what we need to do.
Belinda — This was a delightful discovery. I love poems that leave you with an important message and make you think.
Over time, I have learned to appreciate the tangles in my story. As I learn to slowly pry them apart, I also discover their secrets, which have helped me to grow. I imagine my tangles will always be there, but each one gives me a gift as I loosen it from the others. I used to get frustrated with this process and wanted to understand my story without all the effort, but now I see that it’s IN the untangling, that my story becomes clear to me.
You have a magical gift for making a very thoughtful post in only a few words. Thanks:~)
Thank you Belinda that is good advice.
Yes, absolutely. And I like what Molly said. We have to remember that we’re the author of our own story so we can choose to change things around any time. I’m going through that now but instead of sitting by passively “to see what happens”, I’m taking matters into my own hand. It’s scary but empowering.
Wise, pseudo-twisty finish with an excellent build-up. Masterful work.