Jewel tones of late spring buds
Ocean spray of salt water mist
Yellow sun blazing sphere and sky
Iridescent raindrops kissing petals of silk
Sweet berries no palate can resist
Heavenly stars, hints of universal brilliance
Earthly delights, tastes of bite-size decadence
Radiant rainbows making jaded souls sigh
Evermore and now, may joy be
……………………………………. yours.
What is joy to you?
Do you seize joy or put it off for another day?
Do you believe that there is a path that leads to joy as opposed to joy strewn about along the path?
This is a little acrostic offering in 55 words for G-Man about (barely scratching the surface of the vast terrain of mostly-free) Joy for Melissa.
{ 27 comments… read them below or add one }
WOW. I didn’t even notice the acrostic – - I was stuck in the enjoyment of imagery. Powerfully beautiful.
ah nice acrostic…jumped right in to reading and did not see it at first…joy is an attitude
Love this. Wishing you joy every day!
i’m glad you pointed out the acrostic. i’m a bit sleep deprived and might have missed it otherwise. right now joy would be a full night’s sleep, lol.
The path that leads to joy IS the path with joy strewn along the way. Love the poem/acrostic, flows very naturally.
Beautifully done! Hungry for berries now though
Here’s mine today: Flash 55 ~ You Brighten My Day.
Beautiful. The taste of berries, the glow of stars. Joy.
I had to look up what an acrostic poem is, but I like learning new things so it was good and made appreciate your poem all the more.
Your descriptions are so wonderful. They give such color and texture to your words. I could read these lines over and over again:
“Jewel tones of late spring buds
Ocean spray of salt water mist
Yellow sun blazing sphere and sky”
Great 55, as usual. I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with lots of joy:~)
p.s. right now, as I out visiting…joy for me is experiencing the talents and gifts shared by those who travel this blogosphere:~)
What a beautiful acrostic with such a lovely message, Belinda. I tend to think that joy is scattered about – I know I can find at least one or two bits a day that either make it into the best day ever or transform a day that isn’t so wonderful.
Hope you have a beautiful weekend.
What a lovely poem, so filled with good thoughts and wishes for all. You have a splendid heart.
Too often I postpone joy. But what I think is true about joy is that it comes from within, that we just have to tap into it, discover it. The joyful person sees joy regardless of circumstances. Wish I were one of those people.
Wow! I didn’t notice the acrostic either. You did a really good job! I like how you dropped the last word – yours – down. I also love the line, “tastes of bite size decadence.” Nice work!!
Que delicioso. me encanta.
I love this poem. It’s delicious.
You’ve painted such a fabulous picture of the joys of summer!
Joy to me is visiting you on Friday.
Your creative mind just JUMPS off the page at me!
You have a fantastic talent My Friend, thanks for sharing it with us all.
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!
Joy is sunshine after a gray and dreary winter; fruit and veggies in my own garden; oh, and this guy I’m married to, along with out two kids and fuzzy dog.
What more could you ask for? I love it that you shared your joy – and asked about mine!
I love it. I just want to fall into your landscape.
Lovely and luscious, very sensual and visual!
Lovely images, bright and reflecting the writer’s joy to the reader.
Great photo. Like others, now I want a strawberry.
One of the first things I read today….had berries for lunch
This is just wonderful!!
Your image is begging me to take a bite
) just had berries last night but hankering for more now…
I can feel, see, and taste everything. Beautiful!
Delicious and powerful. And love the accompanying image.
A joyous feast for the senses.
beautiful imagery. Joy, so graspable. xoxoxoxo
JOY to me is time to myself, Belinda’s blog, great food, Belinda’s blog, great wine, Belinda’s blog, morning walks along The Trail, Belinda’s blog, “Belinda’s Dream” roses in the park, Belinda’s blog, chocolate, Belinda’s blog, my loved ones’ smiles, and Belinda’s blog!!
Belinda, I think you can make anything sound beautifully magical, like this: “Iridescent raindrops kissing petals of silk.” I imagine capturing this with my lens.
I think joy is strew along the path. I don’t think there is one path to all the joy you can capture. I find it along my own path. It comes in tiny droplets more than ocean size buckets. But even in the tiniest droplets of joy, my heart can soar